Author: Ramon Sole

Sentilo supports now Libelium’s Waspmote Plug&Sense! line of sensors

Sentilo supports now Libelium’s Waspmote Plug&Sense! line of sensors

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Libelium has released its latest update of its Waspmote Plug&Sense! platform, which includes the integration with the Sentilo technology. Waspmote Plug&Sense! is the product line of encapsulated wireless sensors designed and manufactured by Libelium. The Waspmote Plug&Sense! platform is very flexible and can be directly deployed in “Smart Cities” environments. The sensors can be used[…..]

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Sentilo was in Barcelona Mobile World Congress

Sentilo was in Barcelona Mobile World Congress

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Sentilo was demonstrated to people interested in mobile technologies during the Mobile World Congress 2014, at the Barcelona City Hall stand. We had the opportunity to speak about Sentilo to many people, including some of the VIPs who were there. Prince Felipe of Spain, Artur Mas, president of Catalonia and the Spain Industry Minister, J.[…..]

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Sentilo in the C40 Biannual Mayors Summit

Sentilo in the C40 Biannual Mayors Summit

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Sentilo was presented by Julia Lopez Ventura, from the Barcelona City Council, in the breakout session about “Intelligent Infraestructures” in the C40 Biannual Mayors Summit in Johannesburg. In the session Sentilo was introduced as one of the key components of the Barcelona Smart Cities Architecture. Ms. Lopez encouraged other cities to use the open source[…..]

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Success on our first functional proof of concept

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We tested Sentilo with the telecontrol appication of garden irrigation in Barcelona, in Turo Parc Gardens. System has successfully worked for 3 weeks reading data from moisture sensors and one weather station and sending commands to 60 solenoid valves. Sentilo has managed the transfer of data without any issue.

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Sentilo enters production phase

Sentilo enters production phase

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Sentilo is being first used in production systems. The remote controlled watering system of Turo Park Gardens has started its production lifecycle in its basic configuration. In early 2014 the system will be upgraded to deploy advanced features.

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Sentilo is going to be used in energy consumption monitoring

Sentilo is going to be used in energy consumption monitoring

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Sentilo is going to be used in the monitoring of energy consumption in the Barcelona municipal buildings. Barcelona City Council has installed sensors in the buildings to gathering data about ambient conditions in several points and sensors that meter the electricity and gas consumption of the buildings. All the data are going to be transmitted[…..]

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