Sentilo weather station provides data to Weathercloud

Sentilo weather station provides data to Weathercloud

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Weathercloud is a global network of weather stations sharing data in real time. Now our partner Vilaseca municipality has connected a new based Sentilo weather station to Weathercloud too. That way the weather data can be both accessed by general public with a popular weather app and be used for urban planning through the Sentilo[…..]

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Sentilo as a platform for water smart metering

Sentilo as a platform for water smart metering

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Municipalities of Andilla, Artaj and La Pobleta have installed 500 water smart meters integrated into the Sentilo platform Connecta Valencia through the local LoRaWan network. Sentilo provides in the architecture design of the system an easy and standard connectivity platform to integrate and analize the data gathered by the devices. The goal is better manage[…..]

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Sentilo can integrate now Grafana and Timescale in its architecture

Sentilo can integrate now Grafana and Timescale in its architecture

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One of the main objectives of Sentilo is to deliver information to its subscribed modules as fast as possible, so it firstly stores data colleced in memory. But it still needs a long-term storage for historical data. In summary, it needs to process information on the fly while still explore and discover historical data. And[…..]

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Sentilo at the IOT Solutions World Congress

Sentilo at the IOT Solutions World Congress

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Once again, Sentilo will be present at the Barcelona IOT Solutions World Congress, to be held from Jan 31st to Feb 2nd. Thanks to some of the Sentilo partners, as Barcelona City Hall or Thingtia, we will be able to present the new features of lastest Sentilo version 2.0 If you’re assisting the IOT Barcelona[…..]

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Announcing new Sentilo 2.0 release

Announcing new Sentilo 2.0 release

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We are proud to announce that Sentilo 2.0 has been released and can be now downloaded from github. Main improvements include: Sentilo now works with updated versions of Redis and MongoDB and uses Redis streams to synchronize its resources Sentilo offers now the clusterization of Redis and MongoDB, to favor the scalability and availability of[…..]

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Sentilo in the IOTSWC 2022

Sentilo in the IOTSWC 2022

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Once again, Sentilo will be present at the Barcelona Internet of Things Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC), to be held from May 10th to May 12th. Thanks to Sentilo sponsor Barcelona City Hall we will be able to present the results of this last year’s work and the new features of lastest Sentilo version to be[…..]

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Vinaros is using LORA and Sentilo with a sensorized buoy

Vinaros is using LORA and Sentilo with a sensorized buoy

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The Fora del Forat beach, in Vinaros, has a sensorized buoy that offers a series of data in real time, such as the quality and temperature of the water. This action is included within the Smart City and Vinaros Smart Tourist Destination project. This device has different sensors that send the parameters of temperature, pH,[…..]

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LORA devices can now be easily integrated with Sentilo

LORA devices can now be easily integrated with Sentilo

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Our partner Terrassa City Hall has developed code to easily integrate devices connected to LoRaWAN® networks in the Sentilo platform. The integration uses the open source project Node-RED, the flow-based programming tool from the OpenJS Foundation. LoRa is becoming a largely used protocol in the IoT and Smart Cities worlds, so we think the contribution[…..]

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Sentilo in the SCEWC 2021

Sentilo in the SCEWC 2021

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Once again, Sentilo has been present at the Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress, hold from Nov 16th to Nov 18th. Thanks to some of the core Sentilo sponsors (thanks, Barcelona City Hall, for let us use your stand!) we have been able to present some of the new features of lastest Sentilo version 1.9,[…..]

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Smart Waste Collection with Sentilo

Smart Waste Collection with Sentilo

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Waste collection is an essential city service, but frequently very inefficient and resource-intensive. In order to improve that situation, our city partners have decided to build Smart Waste Collection systems based on their Sentilo platforms. So Barcelona City Council through the application of IOT, Big Data and Stream Processing technologies is changing the management and[…..]

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